Friday, February 26, 2010

Favorite Cartoon Character

My favorite cartoon character is Lola bunny. I like her throughout all of her stages from Baby Loony Tunes to Space Jam. If I could be any character it would her because she is so pretty and she is just wonderful and she is in love with Bugs bunny.

Friday, February 19, 2010


If I had a friend who told me that she was in a abusive relationship I would tell her to leave and that by her leaving that would be the best thing to do. Unless she wants to get hurt but I wouldn’t let her.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Grow Up

When I was younger, I wanted to be a Lawyer. I wanted to be a lawyer because everyone said that I was argumentative. But now I want to be an obstetrician, I want to be an obstetrician because I became interested in the human body and I want to bring life into the world.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Most Annoying Phrase

The phrase that annoys me the most is “savage”. That phrase annoys me because so many people say it that after awhile is get old and played out

Friday, February 5, 2010

My Dream House

My Dream house would be a wonderland. It would be white with three stories. On the first story it would the kitchen, living room, dining room. On the second story it would be game room on the whole floor, and a at home theater. On the third story would be the bed rooms, it will be 5 bedrooms, and 4.5 bathrooms. In my room I will have a walk in closet and a secret place to wear I can put my shoes. It will have another closet for my husband clothes. Now my bathroom in my bathroom it will have his in her sinks made fully in marble. I will have a Jacuzzi bathtub and a separate shower. In the house to get from the stories instead of using the grand stair case you can use the elevator. Outside the house will be a guest house. In the guest house the kitchen will be made of marble it will the 3bedrooms and 2.5bath, a living room, and family room. Before you get to the guest house there will be a Pool and a Jacuzzi. That is the way my dream house would be.