Thursday, October 28, 2010

’The Highwayman’ and ‘Typhoid Fever’ Comparison.

In the story Frankie and the high way man both fell in love with two girls who died. In “Typhoid Fever” Frankie fell in love with Patricia and they were close she was the one who introduced him to the poem “Highway Man.” In the Highway Man the Man feel in love with the Bess the Landlords daughter. And she died trying to warn him that the red coats were there to find him. They both ended up dying and now there sprits show up. It was important for Frankie to hear the end of the story because he never got to hear it because he was moved in to a different room for talking to her, and later she died.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Typhoid Fever– Present Tense Childhood Memory

I am seven years old, my mom and I are going to FAM Mart, for shoes. I walk in to the shoes side of the story looking around the store I see everything from wigs, to weaves, and different types of clothing. I feel like I can live here and have everything I need. My mom and I walk to the shoes side and I am looking around I turn my head to the right, and I see a pair of black and clear heels. I can’t stop looking I want them. I look away just to grab my mom hands I pull her to them and I look up. She looks at me “Tierra you want these shoes?” “Yes mommy I want these ones” I answered. “No” I felt it coming I started crying and getting angry “mommy I want these ones all the rest of those are ugly” I said “no.” game over I sat on the floor and I started screaming “mommy I want theses ones” “Tierra get up now or we are going home and you wont be getting anything”, “no” I screamed she garbs me by the hand “ little girl I don’t know who you think you are yelling at but it you don’t stop your screaming and crying in this store I will give you something to cry for” I get up still mad “Please mommy I will be a good girl mommy I want this” she is looking at me “no” with that we went back home. I lay on the couch on went to sleep. I was waking up by my mom “open this” she said I got up and did it and in this box were the shoes I wanted. I took a hot bath and when to sleep. When I woke up the next morning and my mommy placed out my clothes. I got dressed and went into my mommy’s room “mommy can I wear my new shoes to school today?” “Yes”. I am running to put on my new shoes I feel like I am a big girl. I smile all they way to school.

Monday, October 25, 2010

“ The Cold Equations’ – Marilyn’s Point of View.”

The Cold Equations is written in third-person limited point of view. I feel that it would be different if it was in Marilyn’s point or view. When he found her in the closet the reader only read what he heard. If it was in Marilyn’s point of view then it probably would have went something like this. When i opened the door I was expecting a cop not an astronaut, I was scared out of my mind that he found me I was hoping that he wouldn’t have. For another example when she found out that she was going to have to die if it was her prospective it would have been. If I knew that I was going to have to die for trying to see my brother I wouldn’t have I would have thought of a different way. I don’t want to die this way. At the end of the story when she was talking about how she would write her parents a letter telling them what happened to her the reader might get a glimpse of what she was going to say and how she would say it. I feel that if the story was from her point of view then it would be more emotional because of the different feelings and thoughts.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"The Storyteller" Another Point of View.

“The Story Teller”

“Being on this carriage is so annoying. I wish that this woman could control her kids. People these days have no control”. I thought as I saw this woman trying to tame her kids. She gets them in a circle to tell them a story. “Out of the stories in the world she chooses this one to tell not all good kids have good things happen to them.” By the looks of it I knew that I can tell them a story and have them have a different view on life. So I challenged her story and I told the little rugrats a story my mom use to tell me. Bout a girl named Bertha. Bertha was a good girl she had three medals that she got for being so good. One she got one for Obedience, one for Punctuality, and the third was for good behavior. She was so good that she was able to go into the Princes Park. She felt so lucky because she was the only kid that was able to go. In the park were pigs no flower or anything. While she was there a wolf came to eat a pig and noticed her instead. She ran for her life and jumped into a bush. The wolf decided not to go into the bushes because it would have token for ever to find her. So he started to go back after the pig and that’s when Bertha came out from the bushes the wolf heard the medals clank together and she attacked her and devoured her. When I was done telling the story by the looks on the kids face I saw that I had done a good job. But how I really knew I did a good job because of the look on the Aunts face. (Words 302)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

“’The Storyteller’ - Memorable Books from My Childhood.”

1. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
2. Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
3. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Lura Joffe Numeroff
4. If You Give a Pig a Party by Lura Joffe Numeroff
5. The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka
6. The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig By Eugene Trivizas

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka. The reason why I like this book is because it is from the point of view of the Wolf. I feel that reading this book made me realize that there are actually two different sizes to every story. I have to say that this will be a book that i would like to read to my kids when I grow up and have them, this book will always be one of my childhood favorites.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chilean Miners Rescue.

33 Miners trapped on a mine. On October 13, 2010 they were all rescued, the only way to describe this in one word Amazing. On August 24, 2010 thirty-three Chilean Miners got trapped in a mine. During this time all I could think was I wonder if they will ever get free. As time passed people began to find ways. On people began to find way so that they can eat by sending food down there and helping the guys to send out letter to their families. I started to think how cool that must be to be able to send letter to your loved ones. I feel that with the rescue that a lot of the miners might com out with a lot of problems because they were shut off from the world. If I were in there place I wouldn’t have been as calm as they were I think that I would have panic a lot and I would have been very happy to see the world. I think that after that I would be more thankful for the things that I have in this world.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Essay Reflection

While writing this Narrative Essay, I felt like it brought up a lot of memories that I wanted to forget. Also it made me realize how crazy people can get when they are hurt. I hope that with writing this essay that I have learned something from it. I think I did go on keeping things in order. I was okay, with using some descriptive writing skills. I tried to put things to make it realistically last an hour even though it was longer. I feel that for my next paper I can use more above grade level skill writing. I can extend it to make it sound better and more understandable. I can make it more visual. I feel that Ms. Priester , can show more examples of what she is actually looking for in the papers she wants us to write.(Words 143)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Autobiographical Narrative Topic Selection

What happened? List actions in chronological order.
1.Sitting in the living room
2.Mom break the windows
3. Everyone rush outside
4. The police comes and take her away

Where did it happen? Describe the setting.
● city and state: San Diego
● building: Apartment 8 3775 south 49th st
● room:living room
● furniture:windows

Who was involved? List and describe the characters present.
● appearance: Pajamas
● actions: running, scared, crying
● speech: no speech just thoughts, and screaming
character A : Mom
● appearance: Drugged up
● actions:Breaking windows
● speech: Speechless, but you can see the pain in her eyes.
character B: Dad / Step Mom (Yvette)
● appearance: Pajamas, Pajamas
● actions: Anger ,Regret, running after my mom, running and Anger
● speech:Yelling Screaming, Anger.

When did it happen? Explain how long ago it took place.
● year: 2003
● month and/or season: September
● time of day: 8 pm
● your age:8 years old

Why did you select this event?
● I selected this, because it is the most imaginary thing that I can remember and it explain one of the reason I don’t like my step mom, till this day.

How did it change you?
● At first I didn’t think that anyone can be so angry and I didn't know the affect of drugs. but afterward I understand how you can love someone to the point were your heart can take over and you can do the most strangest things that you don't think that you would do. I realize that all throughout out life people will do things that they soon or later will regret.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

“My Memorable Days.”

1. 14th birthday it was the best birthday ever.
2. My first foster home, I really didn’t like my foster mom.
3. My life with my cousin La’Toya in the 6th grade
4. The 8th grade D.C trip because it is something I would love to do over again if I could with the same people.
5. The time my mom broke the windows because I felt like everything in my body stopped.
6. The time I almost got raped because till this day I will never forget.
7. My first tracks meet because it was the first time I realized I could run fast.
8. My 8th grade Knotts Berry Farm trip because it was really fun.
9. My 5th grade boardwalk trip because I was with all my old friends.
10. Count down of the two worst years of my life when my dad got married and I ended up in the foster system.

My Memorable Days

The most memorable day was February 8, 2005. I remember it because the day before my step mom and dad got into a fight and CPS came and took my step away. This particular day I had a funny feeling about go to school. I begged my dad not to take me to school, he told me that everything will be fine and that I didn’t have to worry. It was around lunch time and I got called to the office I still remember thinking that it was my dad. When I walked into the office some lady was standing there with my Principle and she told me that she was taking me away. I didn’t know any better so I went with her. Not knowing I would never see my dad again. She took me to my very first foster home. When I got there I was really scared and I meet my foster mom and the two kids she already had Brook but we called her DJ, and Chelsea. Chelsea was the oldest and she kind of scared me. The first night I was there and she took the house out to dinner I liked her at first. I started attending school Audubon Elementary. I was in the fifth grade. It was pretty cool I made friends right off the back Kavricia and Sherry. We did everything together, we were like sisters. I remember the very first day I started to hate my foster mom. It was the first day I was supposed to go see my dad. I was at school and this boy was dancing behind me in the lunch line. It really made me mad for some reason and I decided to do a high kick and I told him to run. So I purposely kick him in his private. When I got home my foster mom told me as a punishment I wasn’t aloud to see my dad. I remember being so angry and sad all in one. So from that day on I never liked her, and everyday I lived in that house was my worst days except the time I spent with Chelsea. The day I moved with my cousin La’ Toya, was the happiest day of my life at that point in time. (Words 382)