Sunday, August 28, 2011

Color Representation


What color represents you? Why?

The color that represents me best is Purple. I choose purple because it combines the stability of blue and the energy of red. Purple has been associated with royalty and power. it also portraits leadership. I am not just one shade but many different ones. Light purple when I am happy and I think of my self very highly, I believe that I can accomplish anything. But yet I can be a shade of dark purple very explosive and demanding like of royal power. I want things to go my way all of the time.

Monday, July 25, 2011

SDSU Teen Camp X:Options in Health Careers! First Day

Today I Learned about infections and bacteria, and thing I can do to prevent the spread of infections and the equiptment I can use like gloves, and wear masks. Also about the Implied v.s Expressed consent, and if someone is intoxicated then it is okay to work on them with out the consent. Also what to do if they refuse and DNR (Do Not Resuscitate), also all the different things of physical thearpy.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Over the past to years I have improved my writing skills before I had a really bad grammar and spelling problem. Now I don’t have it has bad, and I am learning to change that. My reading skills were alright and now I have learned why they were bad and because of that reason I still don’t like reading out loud it hard for me. I have always had some what of good speaking skills, even though I don’t like speaking in front of people. I don’t like working in a group but I manage I feel like I become a leader more when I get into a group. I had poor technology skills but I had learned a lot since I have been in high school, and I feel that they can continue to improve with help. I will work on all of my class work and homework and I will try not to procrastinate and get my work done on time, I think that it will make my life easier.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Portfolio - Future

I feel excellent about my future actually I am really excited to see what happens. My most major goal is to go Cal State Los Angles and actually graduate in the four years with out getting pregnant. I want to study Sports Medicine I realized that this is a lot of schooling, but I wanted to go into the medical field when I was in the 7th grade. I have had ankle injuries and knee injuries also I love telling people when they have injuries what to do for example to ice something when it is swollen, I tell some football players that and they just blow me off but I think I know a little bit of what I am talking about. Also on a hot day I know that if you exercise and get a head ache it is more than likely because of dehydration, but again they don’t listen to me. I love biology and the human body which makes this interesting for me. I need to continue to work on Science like Chemistry, Math and English. I think that SPA in general will help me also
Ms. Priester, Ms. Davis, Ms. Ramiez, and Mr. Fenick, and I say these teachers because they are the teachers that will help me the most in English, Science, and Math. I honestly genuinely believe that I will this major goal because I feel that the only thing that would ever stop me is if I get pregnant other than that I am okay. I don’t think that I will become too much of a party animal when I enter college, also I don’t imagine myself becoming addicted on drug and letting my hope and dreams slip away. I am a very dedicated person and I have a no doubt that wont get what I truly want.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Playwrights Project Play Performance Paragraph

During the performance I felt overwhelmed. I chose the word overwhelmed because I had so many emotions going through my mind. I felt nervous when they read my play I appreciate it even though they skipped a line so to me it threw my play off, but at the same time I felt bashful because I was praying to myself that I was the only one who caught the mistake. I also in a way felt proud to see my play acted out it made me feel accomplish, like I finally achieved something. I feel like this experience impacted me in a positive way because it made me prove to myself that I am capable of writing something and having it worth while, knowing that I created something that people might actually want to watch.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Greatest Highschool Accomplishment

My Greatest Accomplishment in high school is achieving a 2.67 GPA or higher for two or more quarters. I say that it is my greatest high school accomplishment because I have worked really hard in all of my classes. I really want to go to a four year University, and I need to start doing better if the is what I really want. If not I will go to a two year community college and transfer to a four year. I feel that education is important because out of everything no one in the world can take education away from a person. I really want to get a good job and b able to support my self and when I get ready my family. I don’t want to be like my parents who have to work two jobs to be able to pay the rent and stuff. I feel that this is my accomplishment because it is a push towards my future. It is getting me closer to breaking the cycle. Now all I have to do is wait till I am done with college and get married before I get pregnant and then I will really break the cycle.