Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fourth Quarter Kickoff Reflection

I woke up got dressed went to breakfast, and then went to school. At school all of the sophomores had to meet in one classroom. In the classroom we watched the movie a “Stand and Deliver”. I was an okay movie it was actually kind of boring. Then we split into our teams after lunch. It was pretty fun my team was the best. But I got injured in every sport I played in. The first sport I played I cut my finger, in the second sport someone’s knee ran full force into my knee, and the third sport I got scratched on my arm some how. But over all it was a fun day I wonder who won, my team was the best but we didn’t play team 1 and or team 6. I think that my team would have won!

Figurative Lanuage

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fourth Quarter Goals

My greatest accomplishment of the last quarter was receiving only one C for the report card. Some things I did were turn in all of my work, I had my teachers keep updating me with my grades and missing work so that I could turn them in before it was too late.
My goal this quarter is to get at least a 3.5, I want to go for a 4.0. Three things that I will do to accomplish these goals are:
1. I will continue to have my teachers update me on my grades and missing work.
2. I will pay more attention in class and take more notes when it is necessary.
3. I will study more and ask questions if I need to also ask for extra help.

Graphic Organizer

PLATO Accomplishment

Friday, March 18, 2011

What I learend 3rd Quarter

This is My third Quarter blog jog

Charming Billy

It is only my second day here and even though I haven’t experienced much war I have experienced a dramatic death. Charming Billy died out of all reasons a person can die of war, he died of a heart attack. As my troops and I were walking through the mine field Charming Billy accidentally stepped on one and he was in complete shock the doctor and nurses kept telling him that he wouldn’t die and he scared himself into a heart attack, a bloody heart attack. I don’t know why it is so funny to me. Maybe it is because I am scared myself. It keeps going through my mind as I am laying on the ground waiting to for the night to get lighter so I can continue to walk on.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What I Learned in the Third Quarter of English 9/10

This quarter I have learned a lot, some of the things that I have learned about are symbolism, allegory, poetry, imagery, figurative language, primary and secondary sources. My favorite subject is poetry. I would have to say that because I love to write poetry. I love writing how I feel it is a good coping skill. But with poetry I also use figurative language which is a way that I use two of the things that I learned this quarter. I love to use imagery it helps people see things from a different light. Imagery is used a lot in song to help people imagine what people may be going through, thorough out a song or poem, or story.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

“Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?” Breaking News

We just received Breaking News, some time yesterday Bill Boy was killed by a heart attack. During the Vietnam War Bill Boy and his troops were walking through a mine field and when Bill accidentally stepped on a mine, he was in complete shock he thought that he was going to die. When they took Billy to the hospital the doctor said that he was going to live, because he was in complete shocked he scared him self into a heart attack. That is the worst way to die a very uncommon way to die from war. This proves that way is a possible way to die in war. Also the toughest guys can die from the smallest thing a shock.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

CAHSEE Reflection

Today was super crazy so much going through my mind all at once, it was over whelming. At first, I was a scared and nervous because I felt so much pressure, but when I got the test in front of me I realized that it wasn’t that hard. When I got to the writing portion I felt so prepared, because I knew what I had to do and I felt really good about it. I really have a lot of thanks for the most important person who helped me Ms.Priester, thank you so much for helping me prepare for this test. Over all I think I did a pretty good job now tomorrow is the part I think I am going to do my best on. I love math. I just hope that with my dyslexia I didn’t mess up on the test. I tried to take my time and re-read things if I didn’t understand. The only thing I can do now is sit and wait to see what my score is.

Monday, March 7, 2011

“Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?” Enlist Paragraph

If I had to I would enlist in the military, but if it wasn’t mandatory then I wouldn’t. I would enlist in the military for school if I need them to pay for my education and I am doing what I need to do so that I wouldn’t have to do it. I feel that people who enlist in the military deserve to be treated with respect and they deserve to be able to come back and have jobs for them and shouldn’t have to wait to pay for their family. If I were drafted into the military then I would go and serve my country to the best of my abilities hope not to die.

Plato Grammar

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Primary and Secondary Sources Comparison

Primary and Secondary source both are informational and has to do with a specific event. A primary source is different because it is first hand someone actually saw it or was a part of it. An example of a primary source is a diary, letters, oral speeches. A secondary source is different because it is from someone who wasn’t involved but they were told from someone who was involved in it. For example biographies and magazine articles are secondary, even history books are secondary. Even though they are different Primary and Secondary source are important because it can help solve a lot of problem and it is a way for people to find out different thing and to learn facts on subjects.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Feelings about the CAHSEE

AHHHHHHHHHHH! My feelings on the CAHSEE are crazy. I really want to scream, and pull out my hair. I am so scared that I won’t pass, and I will have to take it over and over again. I feel like I am going let a lot of people down and I can’t do that. I have tried talking to people like my other classmates and friends and they tell me that I am going to do fine and pass it, but then I realized that my classmate were going through the same thing that I was and it made me feel al little better. But still I am nervous and also excited, because I have people telling me that it is easy and its all eighth grade math, so I think I will do fine with that and I will try my best to pass but I am not going to stress about it because I know that I have what it takes to pass it and I know that most of my friends will be there with me so it will make it a little easier.