Tuesday, March 8, 2011

CAHSEE Reflection

Today was super crazy so much going through my mind all at once, it was over whelming. At first, I was a scared and nervous because I felt so much pressure, but when I got the test in front of me I realized that it wasn’t that hard. When I got to the writing portion I felt so prepared, because I knew what I had to do and I felt really good about it. I really have a lot of thanks for the most important person who helped me Ms.Priester, thank you so much for helping me prepare for this test. Over all I think I did a pretty good job now tomorrow is the part I think I am going to do my best on. I love math. I just hope that with my dyslexia I didn’t mess up on the test. I tried to take my time and re-read things if I didn’t understand. The only thing I can do now is sit and wait to see what my score is.

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