Autobiographical Narrative Topic Selection
What happened? List actions in chronological order.
1.Sitting in the living room
2.Mom break the windows
3. Everyone rush outside
4. The police comes and take her away
Where did it happen? Describe the setting.
● city and state: San Diego
● building: Apartment 8 3775 south 49th st
● room:living room
● furniture:windows
Who was involved? List and describe the characters present.
● appearance: Pajamas
● actions: running, scared, crying
● speech: no speech just thoughts, and screaming
character A : Mom
● appearance: Drugged up
● actions:Breaking windows
● speech: Speechless, but you can see the pain in her eyes.
character B: Dad / Step Mom (Yvette)
● appearance: Pajamas, Pajamas
● actions: Anger ,Regret, running after my mom, running and Anger
● speech:Yelling Screaming, Anger.
When did it happen? Explain how long ago it took place.
● year: 2003
● month and/or season: September
● time of day: 8 pm
● your age:8 years old
Why did you select this event?
● I selected this, because it is the most imaginary thing that I can remember and it explain one of the reason I don’t like my step mom, till this day.
How did it change you?
● At first I didn’t think that anyone can be so angry and I didn't know the affect of drugs. but afterward I understand how you can love someone to the point were your heart can take over and you can do the most strangest things that you don't think that you would do. I realize that all throughout out life people will do things that they soon or later will regret.