Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Comment-Seeking Post

There are so many decisions and thoughts running through my mind. Its all crazy, like one of them is I don’t know weather to go on pass with my mom for Mother’s Day or stay back with Debbie. I know a lot of people will read this and think well that is obvious I would go with my mom. But at the same time Debbie is kind of like my second mom she is the one who is raising me and she is the one who took on the mom position when I need her most even though I can’t stand her sometimes I know that she will always be there. But on the other hand this is my biological Mom the woman who with out her I wouldn’t be here in the first place, my only thing is that my mom might have to work so there is not point of my going for Mother’s Day if I am not going to be able to spend time with my Mother. But other than that there are other things going on so I am asking for Help!! Please help me decided what to do for Mother’s Day.


  1. Well if your mom is going to have to work that weekend then I would spend it with Debbie because then the week after you can spend it with your mother. That is if she is not working. I know how it feels to have to choose between your real mother and your foster mother who is raising you now. I think the best is spending it with Debbie. I do hope this helps you make your decision. Yet, that is just my opinion. Good luck!

  2. I think you should spend Mother's Day with Debbie. You are very fortunate to have such a dedicated and loving mom in your daily life. She deserves to be thanked for all of the things she does for you.
