Monday, May 23, 2011

SPA Prom 2011

I went home and I took a nap. Around 2:30 in the afternoon, I woke up and I started to get ready for prom. I started to curl my hair it was easy I used a lot of hair spray, the funny thing about that is by the end of the night my curls still feel. Around and hour later the best person ever came over to do my makeup, after that I put on my dress and made sure everything looked good. Close to five Andrew came to my house and it was weird because I had gotten him a boutonniere and I didn’t know how to put it on so my house social worker was looking it up on her Iphone. We took a lot of pictures then we went to the bus. On the bus I sat with P’jay, and Sabrea it was a lot of fun we talked about a lot of things and took a lot of pictures. At prom Andrew and I took pictures, and P’jay, Kris and I took pictures and I had a lot of fun. After prom I took more pictures, but over all I had a lot of fun.


  1. It sounds like you had fun at prom. I never really heard of a boutonniere. Sounds complicated.

  2. Who did your hair? I remember that I had to ask my mom to teach me to put a boutonniere on my date's tuxedo, but then she made me pose for a picture like I was doing it. Remind me to show you a boutonniere picture from when I was a sophomore.
