Monday, August 23, 2010

Paralyzed by Fear

They last time I that remember when I was paralyzed by fear, I was in the fifth grade and I was sitting in the living room with my step mom and all off a sudden I hear glass break, and then the window in the living room were I was sitting broke I running to my dads room and then my step mom pushed me out the way to get to him first. I remember when my dad got up walking out side to see if anyone in the apartment saw what happened. People were telling him that my mom had done it all I could think was “no not my mom, she would not do that”, he believed them and he went to go get her. I remember seeing him pulling her down from the hill and the all of a sudden he it her and she falls. I remember just standing there just crying at the fact this man my ideal my hero put is hands on the women who created me I just didn’t understand how he could once say the he loved her and completely change for a female someone who just used him for his money I didn’t get it. All I could do is stand there and think why, why was this happening to me and my family and till this day I promised myself if I ever saw my step mom I would flip out. Because if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be here I know that this is childish but I blame her for everything that bad happened in my life. In that was the time I was paralyzed, and I have been every time I think about it.( words 288)


  1. AAAhhh! Run-on sentences everywhere!
    Please edit and proofread your work before posting it.

  2. I agree with Ms. Raquel, but it was not a childish thing hunnie. I would`ve blame her too and but forgiving is just a litle spot in your heart that gives love. Well I am gld you`re here then because your are safe now.

  3. I'm glad that you don't have to go through that anymore because i know that would be hard on you if you were still there. good thing you aren't near them anymore.

  4. I can't really understand your typing, but it's sad and I will always be here for you if you need to talk to anyone.
