Sunday, September 12, 2010

9/11 blogpost

Around this time nine years ago I was it was a Tuesday and I was at school. I remember it becasue at like 10 I think it was my teachers stopped everything and my principle went on the intercom, and he told all of the kids to go to the auditorim. I remember sitting there trying to figure out what happened and when i walked into the auditorim my teachers said that somerthing bad had happened and that we were all going home elarly, and that they had already called all of our parents to come get them. i wen home and watched the news with my mom and dad, that is all the happened my first september 11, 01.


  1. You do realize that you wrote three run-on sentences? Edit and proofread your work, Tierra.

  2. OK,sorry the computer I was typing on did not have Microsoft Word.
