Tuesday, January 18, 2011

“Animal Farm” Revolution at SPA

If the students of SPA had a revolution and took over the campus it would be a complete disaster. If the students did take over SPA I would imagine this is how it would be. The students will be free to do what ever they wanted. If the students were to have a revolution the laws would be very lax. This is how it would be all of the students will gang together and go against the staff. But the kids were really creative. They will all talk and come together and plan on a day a Saturday, at 4pm they will all forward a text message to all the other students telling them to run to the auditorium but not every one just have one person stay back. And if every kid ran out the house they wouldn’t know what do. When the staff all start calling and chasing after the kids the one that was left in the house will take the door and lock it, then go and disable the alarm so that they can lock out the staff but let other kids in. The students will run to the auditorium nailing the windows shut and lock the staff in there. So they are free to do what ever they want with out having to worry about staff. And this will they will it will be until the staff get smart and learn how to break out, or until they call the police.

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