Sunday, January 9, 2011

House Symbol

The Lions symbolizes our house which is Girls 102. To most people, this item is just a picture of lions. To us, it represents family and order because in our house Bob and Debbie would be considered the Lion and Lioness also known as the leaders of the pack. We stick together just like in the wild we hunt together and protect one another from others. They guide us to make the right decisions just like the lion and lioness will have to do also Bob and Debbie will go to any extent to protect the girls in their house, just like the lion and lioness will for their cubs in the wild. Our house is the brightest, strongest, pack in the wild also known as San Pasqual Academy


  1. That is cute. I do see your house a family on this campus

  2. This is veery true because your house goes places and does things like a family.
