Thursday, January 27, 2011

Third Quarter Goals Reflection

I have three goals for this quarter. One of my goals for the quarter is to get at least a 3.0 I really want to go for a 3.5 or 4.0. I feel that I can go far if I just put my mind to it and don’t get off track. My second goal is to stay out of drama because being on a campus with 164 kids it can get very hard to stay out of drama but it is not impossible. My third goal is to not get on restriction and stay on the straight path that I am on. I know that doing these things will be hard but they are something that I know that I can do. Some things that I have done to start achieving these goals are turning in all of my work and staying in class as much as possible with out having appointments. Also I have done the best on all of my homework assignment and I have been asking if I need help with something I am really going for A’s and B’s. I need to stay more focus when doing my homework and pay more attention in class and prioritize between work, sports, and school. I have a feeling that once basketball season is over I will be able to achieve these goals better. At the end of the quarter I want to be able to look at my report card and be able to say that I did it that was able to achieve my goal.

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